
How to Domain Join - Windows Client

Join the Computer to the Domain

On the search bar, type “System” and click on the icon /images/modern_cyber_range11.png
You should have this GUI appear. /images/modern_cyber_range12.png Now, let click on “Advanced System Settings” -> “Computer Name” -> Then click “Change”.

For “Computer Name” this is what will appear on our host_name. I’m going to name it “person1” so that it easy to reconginze. Then, we are going to click on the circle next to “Domain” and type in our domain name. Then click OK. After that the gui will ask you to type the password and username. The username will be Administrator and the password would be the password of the Administrator. Then it will say “Welcome to the Domain Name” then it will ask you to reboot the computer for the setting to take affect.

Now, let’s log into our domain using the user we generated.

To do this we will click on “Other user”
For the username: We are going to do domainName\userName

For me, I created a user name “Richard Moss” and his userlogon name was rmoss. What I’m going type is Securitynguyen\rmoss

To make sure we are domain join, we can bring up the command prompt and type ipconfig. /images/modern_cyber_range14.png
We can see that the users is rmoss and that the domain is

In our windows server, we can see that the computer that recently joined the domain showed up. /images/modern_cyber_range15.png

Then finally, we can reach the internet in our windows client and other devices within our subnet. /images/modern_cyber_range16.png \