
Install Wazuh EDR

Download Wazuh

First, let go to this site to get our Wazuh:
Then click on the installer and install it. Don’t click Finish yet. Click on Run Agent Configuration interface then click Finish and click Yes.
This is what you should have:

Connect it to whatever interface your SecurityOnion is on. Then SSH into your Security Onion.

Open another command promp and type ipconfig.
Take note of the ip address of your host/agent whatever you want to call it. Mine is

Then we’re going execute the following command to add our agent in our SSH session: sudo so-wazuh-agent-manage -a
Then it will ask to insert the host name. My window computer host name is: winvictim-1 This is what you should have: /images/wazuhagent_added.png

Extract the Key

Since my agent ID is 002. I will use that information to get the key. To do this, I will use the following command: sudo so-wazuh-agent-manage -e 002

After that you should have the key. I can’t show you because it might be sensitive data. You have to trust me on this.


Open a command prompt and make sure it Administrator, let go to Program Files x86 in our Windows Terminal. Then, cd into ossec-agent.
Then run the following command:
manage_agents.exe /?

Then press I for Import Key from the Server. Then paste in the key. It going ask you to confirm adding it. Enter Y. \

After that, we’re going to edit our config file.
Execute the following command: notepad ossec.conf
At the <address>, change the ip address to the IP of your security onion

Then, going back to our Wazuh Agent Manager application. Press Refresh and you should see the Manager IP filled in with the IP of your security onion and the authentication key filled in. /images/wazuh_filled.png
Then click Save.

Toggle Services

On the command prompt, execute services.msc Then type wazuh and it should direct us to the service. Right click on the service and click on Start /images/wazuh_service_start.png
Now, we’re done.