
Open-Closed Ports

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Here is a simple trick I used to determine if a port is closed or open in Wireshark. In nmap, there are two different type of port scans:

  • Basic Port Scans - (TCP Connect Scan), (TCP SYN port scan), (UDP port scan)
  • Advanced Port Scans - NULL, FIN, XMAS, Zombie Scan

When trying to figure out if the port is open, it can differ depending on the scan.
However, for figuring out if the port is closed (from a packet analysis), this simple rule applies:

  • If the server respond with a RST, ACK. Then you will know that port is closed.

Basic Scan

When running a TCP connect scan (-sT), an open port would fall in this sequence:

  1. Client send a SYN to the Server
  2. Server send a SYN-ACK to the Client
  3. Client send a ACK to the Server
  4. Client send a RST, ACK to the Server

When running a TCP SYN scan (-sS), an open port would fall in this sequence:

  1. Client send a SYN to the Server
  2. Server send a SYN-ACK to the Client
  3. Client send a ACK to the Server
  4. Client send a RST, ACK to the Server

When running a UDP scan (-sU), an open port would fall in this sequence:

  1. Client send a UDP to the Server
  2. Server send a ICMP Type 3, Code 3 to the Client (Port Unreachable)

Advanced Scan:

When running a Null scan (-sN), an open port would fall in this sequence:
  1. Client send a NULL packet to the Server
  2. Server doesn't respond back
  3. This lead to open|filtered
When running a FIN scan (-sF), an open port would fall in this sequence:
  1. Client send a FIN packet to the Server
  2. Server doesn't respond back
  3. This lead to open|filtered
When running a Xmas scan (-sF), an open port would fall in this sequence:
  1. Client send a FIN packet to the Server
  2. Server doesn't respond back
  3. This lead to open|filtered
When running a TCP ACK scan (-sA), an open port would fall in this sequence:
  1. Client send a ACK packet to the Server
  2. Server respond back with a RST
  3. This lead the TCP port to be open or closed.
When running a Window scan (-sW), an open port would fall in this sequence:
  1. Client send a ACK packet to the Server
  2. Server respond back with RST
  3. This lead the TCP port to be open or closed.
Majority of the Advanced Scan are used to detect if there is a firewall behind or blocking the port.

That is all that I have for this post. Thanks for reading