
Story Backgound - Modern Cyber Range



Company: SecurityNguyen

  • Ethan Sullivan - Hacker
  • Olivia Parker - Manager
  • Nguyen Nguyen - Security Analyst
  • Randy Moss - Employee

This story is based on a “imaginary company” named: SecurityNguyen. SecurityNguyen has hired a Security Analyst named: “Nguyen Nguyen (Win)” to be charge of monitoring and securing the infrastructure. Little to Win knowledge that there is a vulnerable web server in the company network. We have a person name “Ethan Sullivan” who is a noob hacker that is trying to improve his skill so that he can join an APT call “Bloody Zoombie”. He decide to focus his attention on a company name “SecurityNguyen”. Randy Moss is a employee of SecurityNguyen who is in the finance department. He will be mention later on the story.
As a reader, we will follow the story from a “Cyber Kill Chain Perspective” from the Attacker and Defender Point of View.

The Goal:

My personal goal for this homelab is to help me train for the EJPTv2 and PNPT. Furthermore help me learn the attacker mindset and how to correlate and read logs which overall help me become an better security analyst.