
Test Scan on Metasploitable2

Adding a Packet Sniffer

To see the attacks that I carried out on my virtual machine, I installed Kali Linux Purple to be my sniffer.
/images/modern_cyber_range30.png \

Carrying out the Test Scan

Before we carry out the attack, we need to do some preparations! First, we need to know if we can reach metasploitable. To find out this answer, we will use the ping command.

ping result

Then, we can use the curl command to see if we can get the webpage of metasploitable
curl result

Look like we can reach metasploitable just fine. Now, l’m going start my sniffer in my kali purple.
Packet sniffer started

Now, Let’s carry out our scan.

Using nmap, I’m going to execute this command: sudo nmap -vvv -Pn -sCV -p0-65535 --reason

Scan started:

Scan in progress

Packets is getting log:
Packet sniffer started

After a couple of min, the scan is complete and I stop my packet sniffer
Scan finish

Verify the Results

Let check if one of the port that nmap found was open and see if that reflect off of the wireshark.

Open Ports

Let’s see if port 8787 is open on wireshark. To check this, we can use the display filter tcp.port == 8787
Open Ports

As you can see from the picture, metasploit respond with a SYN,ACK. Usually, when a server is closed, it would respond with a RST packet or don’t respond at all.

This is just a preview of what to come from this lab. Thanks for reading